St. Dominic’s Youth and Young Adult Choir (SDYG)

St. Dominic’s Youth and Young Adult Choir (SDYG) exists to provide all youth of St. Dominic’s Parish an avenue to building a deeper,
more meaningful relationship with God through prayer, scripture study, service to the community and dedication to the mission of the Church. We create a wel- coming, caring, healthy and spirit-filled environment for this to take place.

We are a united, visible, vital and essential part of our parish faith community. We empower each other, young and old alike, to live as faithful followers of Christ. We work with the pastor and are integrated into parish life through service and actions. This group invites, trains, and fosters the development of the youth and young adults who come through the program and show a willingness to act on this important calling. We seek to strengthen this community by being evangelical in nature in order to seek out and include all youth of our parish.

Youth Mass Ministers

Members minister in a variety of ways at the Sunday 5:30 Youth Mass. All young adults and High School teens are invited to serve as Choir, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, or Ushers at this Mass on a rotating schedule. Training is provided.