July 2018

July 15, 2018 The 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. David Farrugia, O.P. preaches at St. Dominic’s, Benicia on the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time.  Jesus sent the apostles out two by two to spread the word, to not take anything with them for their travels.  The lack of flexibility makes us prisoners of our daily life. 

June 2018

June 3, 2018 The Feast of Corpus Christi

Fr. David Farrugia, O.P. preaches at St. Dominic’s, Benicia on The Feast of Corpus Christi.  

May 2018

Sunday, May 13th, 2018 The Ascension of the Lord

Fr. David Farrugia, O.P.  preaches on the Ascension of the Lord on May 13th at St. Dominic's in Benicia. 

April 2018

Sunday, April 22nd, 2018 Good Shepherd Sunday

Fr. David Faruggia, O.P. preaches at St. Dominic's on Jesus as the Good Shepherd. There are two types of shepherd's the hired one and the owner. The hired one is only interested in money and getting paid, the owner will do anything to protect his flock. Jesus leads us safely home. 

March 2018

Sunday, March 18th, 2018 Fifth Sunday of Lent

Fr. David Farrugia , O.P. preaches on the raising of Lazarus on the 5th Sunday of Lent at St. Dominic's. Jesus promises, even if you are dead in sin, even if you have lost all that makes life worth living, I can make you ALIVE again. 

December 2017

Sunday, December 10th, 2017 Second Sunday of Advent

Fr. David Farrugia, OP preaches on the Second Sunday of Advent. He explains the background of the Jewish people and God's promise to restore them and return them to their homeland. The task of the prophets was to keep the hope of the people alive while in exile. We too may find ourselves at time feeling like we are in exile, struggling to keep hope alive.  The voice of God speaks to us this week in Advent with a message of hope and light. 

August 2017

The Transfiguration (Fr. David) Sunday, August 6th, 2017

Fr. David Farrugia, OP preaches on the significance of the spiritual mountaintop of the Transfiguration. The transfiguration gives us the why of suffering and the courage to keep walking with Jesus so that we may share in his Glory.

July 2017

Sunday, July 16th, 2017 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Fr. David preaches at St. Dominic's July 16th, 2017. In spite of all of the struggle of the seed that God has planted in us the harvest will come. There is hope because of our prayers and example the seed may still flourish either in our own hearts or for those of whom we pray.

June 2017

Sunday, June 25th, 2017 Fr. David Farrugia “Fear Not”

Fear not for the Truth will Triumph. Fr. David Farrugia, OP preaches at St. Dominic's in Benicia on June 25th, 2017.

March 2017

Sunday, March 5th, 2017 Fr. David on Temptation

How can we stand up to the powers of evil in this world that work to thwart God's masterpiece of the human person to serve in His plan. In today's Gospel Jesus tells us what he went through so that we know that we can resist as well with his grace.
