December 2016
Sunday, December 4th, Second Sunday of Advent (Deacon Errol)
Deacon Errol preaches at St. Dominic's on the Second Sunday of Advent about the honesty of John the Baptist and his preaching in the desert. The desert means to be off on your own and nothing to hide and we enter solitude and do some inner work with our relationship with God and to hear something new. Will you hear God's word this Advent whispered on our mind, heart and lips? and if you do will you trust in it?
November 2016
Sunday, November 13th, 2016 Deacon Errol
The Passion of Jesus is not over, it continues in those who follow Him. But Jesus promises on that because of our perseverance of faith we will gain our souls.
October 2016
October 30th, 2016 Deacon Errol on the Gospel story of Zacchaeus
Deacon Errol Kissinger preaches on the Gospel of Luke and the story of the tax collector Zacchaeus, a short man that goes to great heights to encounter Jesus. We become taller and less petty when we embrace the Grace of God.
August 2016
August 21st, 2016 Deacon Errol “The Last Shall Be First”
August 21st, 2016 Deacon Errol "The Last Shall Be First"
July 2016
July 10th, 2016 The Good Samaritan
Deacon Errol delivers a homily on the Good Samaritan. Who is my neighbor, but the one who shows compassion. The ones that love God are those that live a life of compassion by not making divisions by race, creed, religion or nationality.
June 2016
June 19th, 2016 Deacon Errol’s Homily
How to face death, before death. Being given a second chance through an experience. To save one's life, you must lose it. Whoever loses his life for Jesus will save it. Jesus teaches us about conversion and yet we have such difficulty learning it. Jesus wants us to read reality with a view of both life and death.
May 2016
May 29th, 2016 Corpus Christi
Deacon Errol Kissinger preaches on The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ at St. Dominic's.
April 2016
April 17th, 2016 Good Shepherd Sunday
Deacon Errol Kissinger preaches on the sheep and the Shepard. The Shepard is a symbol for leaders for teachers and especially for parents as people who have a unique influence of others and how we related to them reveals if we are true Shepard, to lead them more than when they found them. We need […]
March 2016
March 27th, 2016 Easter Sunday
Deacon Errol Kissinger preaches on Easter Sunday at St. Dominic's. Deacon Errol shared how God is constantly using and transforming everything in creation. Love is the eye that lets us see and understand the miraculous.
March 13th, 2016 5th Sunday of Lent (Deacon Errol)
Deacon Errol Kissinger at St. Dominic's preaches on the 5th Sunday of Lent about God preparing us for the Mystery of Life & Death. His homily explains the purpose of Lazarus' death. In order for us to believe in the strength of love in the spiritual world, love had to be revealed in the physical world.