The journey of faith begins with your questions…

Are you interested in joining the Catholic Church?  Do you have questions about the Church and your faith?

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, RCIA, is a program for people interested in exploring and possibly joining the Catholic Church. It begins with a simple inquiry period where questions lead to exploration. 


Becoming Catholic: R.C.I.A gets you there in 4 Simple Steps

1st Step: Inquiry Periodwhere questions lead to exploration. Drop in– no obligation, no commitment, just discovery.rcia program St. Dominic's Catholic Church Benicia

2nd Step: Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens– more formal study and teaching of the faith  

3rd Step: Rite of Election and discernment period– with the help of a sponsor and your RCIA team, discern whether God is calling you to the Sacraments

4th Step: Initiation and Mystagogia– Celebration of the Sacraments at Easter Vigil and finding your place in our Parish Community.
Just want to have a conversation and learn more, fill out our online form and someone will be in touch to answer your questions.

Inquiry Contact Form



What is RCIA? 

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
In recent years there has been a great increase in the number of adults who are joining the Catholic Church.  RCIA (which stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a program designed to help non-Catholics and non-practicing Catholics learn more about Catholicism through a series of classes, discussions, prayer times and ceremonies.  This program helps people grow in faith and knowledge of God as they consider becoming Catholic.  There is no obligation to join the Catholic Church. St.Dominic’s RCIA program is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith. If you are not yet sure whether you want to become Catholic, you are still welcome to participate as you make your decision. People from all sorts of religious backgrounds join the RCIA. Some have been baptized in another Christian religion and some have not. Some have been practicing members of a Christian religion for years and some have had little or no religious instruction or support. Some are already Catholic but are seeking a greater understanding of our Faith. The RCIA is a mix of praying, learning facts, discussing how these apply to our lives, participating in prayerful ceremonies (called “rites”) and most importantly, using all of these experiences to build and grow in a relationship with God. Are you interested in joining the Catholic Church?  The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a program for people interested in exploring and possibly joining the Catholic Church. Adults wishing to enter the Catholic Church typically receive the sacraments of Baptism (unless baptized in another Christian faith), Confirmation, and the Holy Eucharist at Easter. 
RCIA Inquirers please email Shannon Carter at RCIA@stdombenicia.og.  Due to COVID meetings times and arrangements have changed.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC)

Children of catechetical age (7 through 17) are invited to the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children.  During a process of about 18 months, children become aware of the life of the Church and begin to develop a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  Children will participate in the rituals throughout the Liturgical year.  During the Easter Vigil, children and adults are fully initiated in the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.  For questions call Brianne Dela Cruz at the Ministry Center at 707-335-4674 or email


“I entered RCIA with a real sense of wonder about the Catholic religion. I found that a great deal of what I knew about being Catholic was not true. I truly can say that this process has changed me. Changed me, for the better as a person, a husband, a Dad, and a son. Each step through the rites strengthened me and made me feel whole. I used to struggle with my boss, my problems, my life…But now, I give my trust and my problems to God.” ~David Bean
My life is busy with work and family but a part of me wanted to learn more about seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation. Usually exhausted from the day’s events I made the effort and began to make time to go to RCIA classes on Wednesday evenings at St. Dominic’s to learn more about this sacrament . Not one time did I feel like I didn’t want to be there. The classes are rewarding, informative, and the teachers are awesome!!”   ~Kym Hewitt, 2016



“To say RCIA is a part of the journey, I just had no idea just how far and long that journey has taken me to this point. I had been baptised in the Lutheran Church, but my parents never took me to church after that. Fast forward to twenty-four years ago and I met my wife-to-be. Being Catholic, she went to mass regularly and I just tagged along. As things progressed, we went through the marriage preparation classes at our local parish. I started RCIA in 1992, but did not complete the class. Over the next twenty plus years, I attended mass with my wife and then later with our twin daughters (who just had their confirmation in 2015). During those years, many, many priests and a certain Deacon (our very own Deacon Errol!!!) asked if I would consider converting since I was already attending mass regularly and helping out at the church whenever I could. Shortly after our daughters’ Confirmation, we met with the Church’s Religious Ed/Youth Director. She looked at me and said one sentence that changed everything for me. She said, “Imagine how great would it be if you could take Communion with you daughters…” This was the path that brought me to Saint Dominic’s. I look forward to continuing my journey with my family in this wonderful Community. If you are considering the Catholic faith, it is a life-long journey. It is a continuing process of learning, discovery and love. Whether you think yourself as unsure or “lost”, you can find strength in learning of the God’s love and sacrifice for all and gain strength from the Catholic community’s support for you.”   ~Axel Sauter