Offering Questionnaire


There are several ways to give to St. Dominic’s – Simply choose what works best for you:


Weekly Envelopes

An easy means of giving and an excellent way to practice Stewardship. Using envelopes allows directed giving to both general and special collections throughout the year. A statement of contributions is emailed to all envelope participants at year-end. Please call the Parish Office to enroll and receive St. Dominic’s envelopes by mail.

EFT: Electronic Funds Transfer


We are very excited about our new online tool that lets you update your family’s records, including online giving!  It’s called My Own Church and it’s available now.  It’s convenient.  It’s secure.  And it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Here are a few things we think you’re going to love about My Own Church:

  • Accurate records!  Whether we’re preparing sacramental certificates or getting in touch by phone, mail, or email, having up-to-date information, with properly spelled names for all your family members, helps us serve you better.
  • Fewer forms!  My Own Church integrates with the other systems we use, so you’ll only have to update your information in one place.
  • Giving history!  View your family giving history anytime you like – no need to ask for a statement.  It’s all right at your fingertips, but behind a secure login.
  • Online registration!  Just register yourself and your family in My Own Church and view all payments for RE, giving history and records.

With your updated information, we’ll be able to contact you when we need to so you don’t miss anything important.  Just visit, click the New User? button, and create an account.  Once we authorize your account, log in to update names, phone numbers, addresses, emails, and upload photos. If you have any questions, please call the church office at 707-747-7220.

Weekly Sunday Offering Basket

You are also welcome to drop cash or checks into the collection baskets that are provided at mass; however, without envelopes we are not able to provide you with a year-end contribution statement.


Click here to make a donation or gift through our online giving program.


Giving Securities

Stocks, bonds and mutual fund shares that have appreciated can be given to St. Dominic’s and deducted from your taxes as a charitable contribution for the full market value at the time the gift is made. In addition Capital Gains Tax is not payable on the appreciated value. Before making a securities gift, please consult your tax advisor for specific details relevant to your tax situation. Please notify the parish office in writing of your intention to donate securities in order to ensure proper accounting and acknowledgment.

IRA Distributions

If you own a traditional IRA and are over the age of 70 1/2, the IRS requires that you take yearly distributions (MRD’s). But did you know you can designate the MRD to St. Dominic’s Church and you don’t have to pay taxes on the distribution? For more information, visit the IRS website here or contact your tax or financial consultant.

Bequests to the Parish

Remember St. Dominic’s, Benicia in your estate plans through your will, retirement plan or other assets. Legacy gifts are used for capital projects that may otherwise not be possible and are never used for day to day expenses.  You can even designate your gift to a specific fund (ie building fund). For more information or to explore your options please contact

Teresa Stone at or 707-335-4672.


Annual Tax Statements

To request an annual tax statement of your financial gifts and contributions please click here.