In a few words..The Stations of the Cross

 In A Few Words, by Fr. David.

The Stations of the Cross originated in pilgrimages to The Holy Land. These pilgrimages became very popular, however not everyone could afford to go on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. A desire to reproduce the holy places inThe-Stations-of-the-Cross
other lands seems to have arisen at a very early date. The Franciscans began to build a series of outdoor shrines in Europe to duplicate their counterparts in the Holy Land. this made it  very convenient for the faithful to enact the Passion of the Lord, without leaving their homeland. At the beginning the stations varied between eleven and thirty. Pope Innocent X1 granted the Franciscans to erect stations in all their churches and in 1731 Pope Clement X11 extended the permission to all churches. The number of station now is 15; the fifteenth station commemorates the Resurrection of Jesus. The Stations of the cross may be done at any time, but most commonly during Lent and on any Friday of the year.
Fr. David O.P.
