June 2014

Friday June 6, Rev. Br. Corwin Low’s First Homily

Br. Corwin's First Homily as a Deacon at St. Dominc's Benicia

June 1, 2014 Ascension of the Lord

Fr Jerome's homily on June 1st, Ascension of the Lord. Mission, Mystery, and Monsters. These three concepts that make up the best Hollywood blockbusters can also help us to understand our spiritual journey. The disciples are sent to baptize everyone, their mission. After his Ascension they had to delve deeper into Jesus' lessons and what they witnessed, and contemplate the mysteries. Finally, the monsters or in our case, the devil and temptation to sin, we have to battle these challenges to keep our selves close to God to our true spiritual union with Christ.

May 2014

May 25, 2014 Sixth Sunday of Easter

Jesus said abide in me. Fr David speaks about our need and requirement to spread the Gospel and share our faith. Do not be afraid, the Holy Spirit is God's love personally among us.

May 18, 2014 Fifth Sunday of Easter, First Holy Communion

Fr. John Marie talks the children, and parish, celebrating through First Holy Communion why Jesus wants to give Himself to us in the Blessed Sacrament of Communion. Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one gets to the Father but through me." Jesus is calling us forward, He wants to transform us, and he wants to give us Life to out-pour His love in the world.

May 11, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Easter, Mother’s Day

Learning to recognize God's voice in our life to lead us, just as a baby recognizes his mother's voice even from the womb and it calms us and make us feel safe.

April 27, 2014 Second Sunday of Easter

Fr. John Marie's Homily SEcond Sunday of Easter at St. Dominic's. A new birth to a living hope!

May 4, 2014 Third Sunday of Easter

Fr. David Farrugia's Homily the Third Sunday of Easter at St. Dominic's Catholic Church. Why didn't the disciples recognize Jesus on the Road to Emmaus?

April 2014

April 20, 2014 Easter Sunday Truly He is Risen

We are often like those first disciples, we don't understand why he had to rise. It's a newness that the history of the world has never known. This gift can be shocking

April 19, 2014 Easter Vigil Mass

Science and Religion have many similarities in the creation story. Life begins in the water, moves to land, and eventually sky. Our faith is an evolution of salvation. We are a people learning to say yes to God.

April 12, 2014 Confirmation Mass Homily by Auxillary Bishop Cotta

Homily given at Confirmation Mass at St. Dominic’s Catholic Church in Benicia. How we are strengthened by the Holy Spirit to share the gifts God has given each of us.
